A Thank You letter from ERRA to Eng. Khaled Khallaf
Having the importance and necessity of being effectively engaging and participating in Energy – concerned regional and international organizations venues, studies and workshops, GasReg has been participated in the development of specialized technical report concerned with ” SMART metering” within the context of the ERRA’s member countries.
GasReg’s participation has been recognized as a remarkable involvement by the ERRA secretariat, and a thank you letter has been forwarded to GASREG’s CEO engineer Karem Mahmoud to appreciate and mention the considerable contributions made by Eng. Khaled Khallaf as representing GASREG in the Renewables work group and the nominated Expert to develop the analytics of the surveyed data , creating visualized charts and graphs, as well as generating insights and conclusions as part of the report and as part of a task force team designated to in this regards.
CEO of GasReg, Eng. Karem Mahmoud, has recognized the distinguished efforts and dedicated involvement by Eng. Khaled, the distinguished role he played, the dedicated work and effort expended, and his contributions in preparing and assured the more valuable efforts and collaborative engagement that should be presented by GASREG’s members into the different participations, venues and events.