A Thank You letter to GasReg from MedReg
Based on MEDREG Support Schemes to the Jordanian Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission (EMRC) a workshop on the Design and Implementation of Regulation for the Gas Sector” is holded allowing them to learn about other regulators’ provisions particularly concerning network codes, LNG transportation by truck, and performance standards for licensees.
GASREG with other Five regulators (France, Greece, Italy, Spain and Turkey) participated in this workshop as speakers sharing their expertise and national cases concerning:
- Instructions on developing codes for transporting natural gas by pipeline;
- Instructions on developing codes to implement natural gas distribution by pipeline;
- Instructions on developing codes for transporting compressed natural gas by trucks;
Instructions on developing codes for distributing compressed natural gas by trucks; - Setting performance standards for licensees for activities related to the use of natural gas.
In this Regards, Mrs. Engy Adly CEO Assistant for Licenses & Contracts and Eng. Khaled khallaf -head of technical performance and codes department-GASREG have received thank you letter from MEDREG for their participation in the workshop as a speaker bringing their valuable expertise, the Egyptian case study and discussing the:
- Institutional framework and license regulation.
- Egyptian Gas Market/Infrastructure Overview and monitoring tools.
- Benchmarking of Different codes (Transmission, Distribution CNG and LNG terminals codes)
- Egyptian Codes Progress Development (Way Forwards)
- Effective Local and international Support