GasReg Completed the key Performance Evaluation Reports for the licensed companies in preparation for the issuance of annual certificate of validation

Gas Regulatory Authority has completed the annual periodic evaluation of the performance of the licensed entities, and this role comes in accordance with the provisions of Gas Law  no. 196 of year  2017 and its executive regulations, which requires GasReg to audit , review and inspect work in order to control the markets and follow up the performance of the licensed entities in a way that contributes to raise the quality of services provided to all  gas  market parties .

Furthermore, GasReg has developed an integrated system of inputs, outputs, processes, activities and procedures to ensure consistency of actual practices with the regulator’s plans, decisions of the board of directors and state policies, taking into account the current stage of market development, which is still subject to the dissemination of free market culture and practices among gas market parties, and the companies that  are subject to the  evaluation and performance follow-up. In all aspects related to the activity, especially technical, economic, commercial, contractual and legal, and the most important results of the work of that evaluation are the development of a number of recommendations that support the work of the market according to free mechanisms and competitive and transparent practices, subject to strict control and flexible application.